Sunday, December 27, 2009

oh right i hav a blog!

haha sorry guys i keep forgetting about this blog
i'm just going to skip to the holidays!!!
so i went to kuantan no biggie... its just to visit
then its singapore!!!

its daytime but they still look nice!!!

don't know what it is but its silver and pretty!!!

its the ceiling when we went up an escalator
really artistic

crossing a street in orchard road
nice decorations

the other side of the street

four HUGE santas in each corner of a cross junction
2D christmas tree lightings
ah my favourite photo!!! teddy bear trees!!!
oh my god!!! its santa and one of his helpers

i think this is the best tree!!!

i have a teddy halo!!! all hail me!
these two are just cute
don't mind who she is... they have mini christmas hat hair clips!

...there are just too many so i think i'll just put them up in facebook...
but it was fun and tiring if you try walking down the whole stretch of Orchard road and trying shoes in almost every single store!
so till next time but i won't know when since i left it for so long...